Thursday, March 17, 2005


ANSWER:The first recorded Ebola outbreak was in Yambuku, a small village in Northern Zaire in 1976

SEARCH :ixquick

keywork:" place" "Ebola" "virus" "name"


answer:Johan Vaaler as the inventor of the simple yet effective paper clip

search engine:ixquick

keyworks:"invented the paper clip"


answer:the 9.2 magnitude Good Friday Earthquake off Alaska in 1964

search engine:ixquick

keywords:"country" "largest" "earthquake"

Q3 answer

answer:Empire State Building Address: 350 5th Ave, New York, NY 10118

search engine:ixquick

keyword:"address of the Empire State Building"

Q1 answer

U. S. President Stephen Grover Cleveland is born in Caldwell

search engine:ixquick

the keywords :"U. S. President" "born" "Caldwell"